Register to become a Member

Join us to become part of the verified Karoo Lamb GI Family.

Register to become a Member

Join us to become part of the vertified Karoo Lamb GI family.

Producer / Farmer 

Register now to become a verified Karoo Lamb GI Producer and ensure the authenticity of your high-quality lamb.


Join our network by registering as a verified Karoo Lamb GI Abattoir and contribute to maintaining our standards of excellence.

man holding fish dish on plate

Supplier / Retailer

Sign up today to be a certified Karoo Lamb GI Retailer and offer your customers genuine, top-quality Karoo Lamb products.

All Farmers, Abattoirs and Retailers listed with the Karoo Lamb Consortium are permitted to supply ‘real’ Karoo Lamb

Join the Karoo Lamb Consortium Family today

Proe die veld

Die Karoo, 'n eensame uithoek op aarde en tuiste van een van ons lewende skatte: skape wat op hul tyd tussen verspreide bossies wei. Karoolam spog met 'n sertifikaat van oorsprong (geografiese aanduiding), nes rooibos, Franse sjampanje en Italië se parmaham. Net skape wat in 'n gebied wei met minstens twee van ses inheemse bossies, van ankerkaroo tot kapokbos en brakganna, dra die kroon. Volgens die verklaring wat dié status uiteensit (, is kapokbos, ook genoem wilde roosmaryn, "n gunstelingkos van die skape en een van die geurmiddels wat Karoolam sy unieke smaak gee". Of soos die boere van daai wêreld graag sê: "Op die hoef" gegeur. 

SARIE KOS, Winter 2024

Our Promise

The appellation 'Karoo Lamb' signifies lamb that is both born and nurtured in the Karoo region. Fundamental to our commitment is the rigorous validation of the lamb's origin, sourced exclusively from the Karoo area. This stringent process guarantees that only authentic, free-range animals bear the distinguished Karoo Lamb hallmark.​

Our Karoo

A vast and beautiful region in South Africa, home to more than 6 000 plant species. Spanning over 400 000 square kilometres, it is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. The Karoo is a semi-desert area, with dry and arid conditions that are ideal for many succulent plants. These plants have adapted to the harsh conditions by developing deep roots that can access underground water sources.​

The Nama Karoo Biome

The World's Only Arid Hotspot

Our GI Guarantee

Meat products with the official SA-GI logo guarantees that that lamb and mutton products have been produced in the Karoo on the natural veld in accordance with the rules of the Karoo Lamb GI published in the Government Gazette of 27 October 2023.  When you see the Karoo Lamb logo in combination with the SA-GI logo on a product, it's our sincere promise that you are getting genuine Karoo lamb, raised in a natural and sustainable environment.

Looking for inspiration on how to cook with Karoo Lamb?

Look no further than our collection of mouth-watering recipes.