Application Form:

Farmers and Producers

All applicants must complete the application form in full and submit it to the Karoo Lamb Consortium Office.

In the next step, it's crucial to register your farm(s) in the satellite mapping system to ensure full traceability. 

General information of Applicant

Select the abattoir where you slaughter 
Please name your abattoir. 
If you have a logo for your business/family photo, please upload it here. 
Load a unique landscape photo of your farm which can be loaded with your profile.
Short history of the farmer and the farm. 
I hereby give consent to the Karoo Lamb Consortium for using my business and farm name on their website. I acknowledge that this information will include the fact that my farm is verified as a Karoo Lamb producer. I further consent to the sharing of this information with abattoirs, retailers, and customers involved in purchasing Karoo Lamb products. This consent is granted in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act of South Africa.