Biologically distinct
The Karoo is a biologically unique 'country' in South Africa that spans more than 400 000 square kilometres. The area is devoid of surface water, and its name is derived from the Khoisan word meaning “land of thirst.”
Area & Communities
In an area that includes four provinces – the Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and Free State – there are approximately 100 Karoo towns, townships, and villages, a few thousand farms, and one million people.
Biodiversity hotspot
The Karoo is best defined by its vegetation, which consists of assorted succulents and low scrub bushes spaced from one foot to several feet apart. With 6 000 plant species (40% of which are endemic) as well as some critically endangered wildlife, it is recognized as one of the world's biodiversity hotspots.
Perfect for small livestock
According to Cape Wools SA and the National Wool Growers Association, the Karoo's economy is supported by its 7 million sheep, which are split between 3 million hardy Dorpers and 4.3 million wool-bearing Merinos. A million goats are also present.
Karoo Gallery
square kilometer
biodiversity hotspot
different plant
average millimeter
of rain annually
persons per
square kilometer